German Culture

Did you know that German genealogy is directly linked to German culture? The link lies in the fact that you can find out where you come from and a little about the family history at the same time. If any individual has begun to investigate the world of family histories and finds that there is a German element to a specific history then they are in for a treat. German history and culture is far richer than any individual may think at first glance and it is easy to get lost in it once you start to investigate.

Contrary to popular belief, German culture did not begin when the nation state was formed. Instead, it began long before. Ironically, it can actually be traced back to the Middle Ages, which was when the first German surnames were actually recorded. That actually seems to be a major era of development for the German area, even if it was a series of states and territories back then rather than one coherent country. German culture was considered to only be an upper class medium back then because it began with literature, but the lower classes also enjoyed culture of their own through oral storytelling traditions, many of which were later recorded for future generations.

Literature was not the only medium of German culture that originated in the Middle Ages though. Philosophy did as well. In fact, you could argue that Western philosophy actually found its home in Germany at that point in time. Albertus Magnus is still one of the most influential philosophers of all time and that is unlikely to change.
As you can see, age old German culture was very important in shaping the identity of the nation and also documenting the foundation of recording German genealogy. However, modern German culture is just as important in helping individuals to discover where they come from and their cultural background should they find that their roots are firmly placed there. Take music for example. Classical composers like Handel, Brahms, Wagner, Bach, Strauss and Beethoven were all German. Sport is also a huge part of the culture, with an emphasis placed on football. However, mediums like film are not to be underestimated as that particular industry is growing at the moment.
As you can see from this brief introduction to German culture, it is rich and undoubtedly played a major part in the foundation of a genealogical identity. If you do investigate your past and find that you have German roots then finding a little out about the culture is most definitely worth the effort.


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